Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Football, Boys Club Style!

While Jared and I were in Great Falls Emry and Calum stayed with Grandma Debbie, they had a fantastic time and didn't even care that we were gone!  When we came home Saturday evening Calum was acting really indifferent to us, he wouldn't give us a hug.  Emry on the other hand went nuts when we came home, plastering us with hugs and kisses, I won't complain, I love it that our kids love us and miss us when we are gone!

Anyway, Friday was a special day for both Emry and Calum.  Grandma Debbie had a girls day with Emry and Lily and they made crafts and had a nice QUIET day without Calum around!  Emry even commented to Grandma Debbie about how nice and quiet it was around the house!

Grandpa Glen took the boys for a boys club day!  He picked Gilbert and Calum up mid morning and headed to Lethbridge for the day!  Can you say BRAVE!  It sounds like they had a blast, a fun filled, never a dull moment kind of day!  They had lunch at McDonald's where they were able to wear off a little energy, then they went to the mall to look around.  Both Gil and Calum got a CFL Football from Grandpa, the football has a Stampeders logo on it too, so very authentic!  Then Grandpa took the boys to see Great Grandma Bev and had supper with her.

Calum in his Stampeders Jersey!
The last activity was the highlight of the day!  Grandpa Glen bought Calum a Stampeders jersey for his birthday, and then also got one for Gilbert.  Together the three of them went to a Lethbridge High School Football game!  Calum had a blast, I can't seem to put a word to how he says Football, but I definitely hear the ball sound after his garbled attempt at saying Football game!  When we went Trick or Treating the other night (that post will be coming soon!!), one house we went to they happened to have the t.v. on and were watching a NFL game, Calum sauntered in the front door and around the corner to have a look at the game (As we were walking up to the house we could see through the window that they were watching football)!

Grandpa and his boys!
Calum working his magic with the Cheerleader!  I am surprised he got that close to the mascot, last year at the Kodiak's Basketball game he was terrified of the Kodiak Bear Mascot!  
I know Calum had a great time with his Grandpa Glen, there really is never a dull moment with him around!  In the car on the way to Lethbridge Calum would keep asking my Dad, "What's your name?"  Dad would answer, "Grandpa Glen!"  It went on like this for quite some time, when finally my dad said, "Bill Clinton!"  Calum would laugh and say, "No, you Grandpa Glen!"  The things that go through his mind truly are a mystery at times!  I love him to pieces and I am so thankful for his energetic, carefree personality!  Well, at times!!  I am also thankful for wonderful parents who love their grandkids and would do anything for them!  I feel so blessed to have the life I have, and to be raised the way I was!  I only hope I am half the parent my mom and dad were!

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