Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy Halloween

I am not usually a fan of Halloween, I am not quite sure why either.  This year however, was a lot of fun.  I asked Emry what she wanted to be for Halloween, I was sort of hoping she would want to be Tinkerbell again since her costume would still fit her, but she chose to be a witch instead!  She was a cute witch too, and I was even able to get her a costume that was modest and inexpensive!  I couldn't believe how many witches costumes Walmart had for little girls that were either really short or very lacy and see through.  Anyway, like I said she was an adorable witch decked out in black and purple!

Since my dad gave Calum a Stampeders jersey for his birthday we thought he could dress up as a football player, something that would really be quite natural for him!  It really worked out perfectly, and we spent nothing on his costume.  My sister happened to have a dress up football helmet and Gilbert had shoulder pads in his dress up box!

When I went to the Vulcan grocery store at the beginning of October they happened to have their Halloween costumes out and right in the front happened to be an infant football costume.  Perfect for Armin!

The school had a Halloween Carnival the Thursday before so I took the boys in as well as Lily!  It was a lot of fun and everyone looked so good!

Arrrrrrr Matey!

Gilbert was a Robot, which I thought Arren did an amazing job making!

Lily was the cutest pirate ever!

Walking the Plank

Calum didn't quite get the concept of this game, instead of stepping over the balloons he stepped on all of them!

When we took the kids out Trick or Treating Halloween night I could not believe how much candy they got, especially for only going to 16 houses!  Nine of which were in town and the other seven were farms!  Calum was cute when he got to a door, he would say really loud, "Trick or Treat!" and then after he would say thank you!  He was the one at the door usually saying trick or treat, Emy was too shy!  When we got home they dumped out all their candy and sorted through it all, I think they ate more than their fair share, especially right before bed, but it was Halloween!  Even Armin got in on tasting all the candy.  It was fun and next year when we are in our own house I am going to get more in the spirit of Halloween and put up some spooky decorations!