Monday, June 4, 2012

Our First Home Cooked Meal

Tonight I made supper in our new house.  It was so much fun and I couldn't believe how well the kids played while I was busy in the kitchen.  Usually they are running around my feet like crazy people...which usually makes me dread making supper!  I loved it when Jared walked through the door in "our" home just in time for supper.  Not that it was really any different at Myrna's, it just felt different using my own things.  We sat around our new dinning room table, given to us by my mom and dad a couple of Christmases ago, the kids ate so well, I was thoroughly impressed.  Calum only spilled his milk once and didn't even get any food on the chair!  All the kids had a bath before bed, we read stories and said our family prayers and again they all went to bed like little angels!  I was able to move the rest of our stuff into the house without tripping over any little people, now all I have to do is organize, organize, organize!

It has been well worth the wait, again I am so proud of Jared and the long hours he has spent putting love into our home!  I LOVE it and I couldn't ask for anything more...well maybe one thing...a LED/LCD t.v. to put in the basement, slightly larger than the 27" we have there now!  Now that I am in my thirties I am having a hard time reading the menu guide!!  I know there is a much less expensive solution...move the couch closer or do without t.v., I can do the first option but I don't know if I can live without the mind numbing relaxation television brings when the house is quiet for the night!

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