Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Festivities

Our traditional Christmas festivities officially start this weekend!! Tomorrow morning we are going to get our Christmas tree west of Claresholm...I am sooooooooo excited!!! It has been five Christmases since we have done this!! It has been a tradition with Jared and I since we started dating!! I know the trees aren't that spectacular but I love the adventure in finding our perfect tree!!

Tomorrow evening also starts a new Christmas tradition for us...Emry's Christmas piano recital! And then right after Jared and I have a Crazy Rook Party to go to! It will be a super busy day but one I am looking forward to!

Tuesday I will have the opportunity to go with Emry, and the rest of the Champion School, to a production of The Nutcracker at the U of L! I am excited to spend this time with Emry, something we don't get to do too often!

A busy few weeks leading up to Christmas but I am excited! I love this time year!!!


  1. How fun to go with Emry to "The Nutcracker" at the U of L. I've always wanted to go to that ballet - someday!!

  2. THe Nutcracker is awesome. I forgot they did that. That will be fun for you and Emry to do together. CAn't wait to see pictures of your tree and where you end up deciding to put it.
