Sunday, December 18, 2011

The True Spirit of Christmas

On Friday, my dad took his two favourite granddaughters to Lethbridge for his girls club date!  The day started off bright and early with Grandpa picking his girls up at 9:30am, from our house they made their way to Lethbridge.  Their first stop was to the YWCA where the girls were able to pick a star to adopt a family for Christmas.  Emry told Jared and I all about buying presents for a little boy who is 6, a little girl who is 3 and their mom.  On the way to Walmart dad could hear Lily and Emry talking about picking out presents for a family who doesn't have much money, and how excited they were.  Once at Walmart, dad was so proud at his girls, not once did either one of them ask for something for themselves.  Together they bought a LEGO set for the little boy, a doctor kit and two blankets for the little girl and for the mom they bought a basket full of body wash, and soaps.  Emry talked about this experience with great detail, and her voice was so full of compassion!  Dad told me that while they were at Walmart he was driving the cart crazy, in a zig zag way down the aisle, Lily must have asked him to stop and when he didn't he heard Emry tell Lily that Grandpa is old and can't hear very well!  Dad got a chuckle over this!

After they delivered their purchases back at the YWCA dad took the girls to Humpty's for lunch!  When the waitress came by dad asked if the girls would be able to get a balloon, she said yes, but only IF they ate their crusts, (I think the adults must have talked before the waitress came to the table!!)!  So to make sure Emry and Lily got their balloon's dad hid the crusts from their grilled cheese sandwiches!  The girls thought this was so cool!

Next they went to pick Grandma Bev up for the movie they were going to see!  Emry was so excited about the movie, at school on Thursday she found the book that was based on the movie and checked it out!  The movie dad took them to was "A Dolphin Tale" and Emry absolutely loved it! 

After the movie they had supper at McDonald's before taking Grandma Bev back home and making the long drive back to Champion!  Emry got home just before 9:00pm and was totally exhausted!  Not too tired to tell us about her fabulous day with Grandpa Glen though! 

I love that my dad does these special outings with his grandkids, a special memory for each of them to have!  Emry and Lily always have such a great time together, and dad said they were little angels, something I do not find hard to believe, they really are the best of pals and always manage to have a blast together!  I know they had a great time and they look forward to their next day out with Grandpa Glen!  I really admired my dad for taking them to buy something for a family who doesn't have much, it taught them a great deal of compassion.  I know we try hard to teach our children these things but doing something about what they have been taught with someone they love and resect means so much more to them!  They learned a very valuable lesson of the true spirit of Christmas while having a wonderful time with their Grandpa Glen!

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