Monday, November 15, 2010

A Fun Day!

Jared took this picture of Emry and I at the Columbia Falls Waterslide when we went to Kalispell this summer!  It is the most recent one of the two of us together!
Today Emry and I went to Lethbridge for my prenatal appointment.  We had a lot of fun together!  She really is the sweetest little girl ever, I couldn't ask for a better daughter!  We had a ton of little errands to do so we left Calum with Grandma and Grandpa Puzey, a little easier than dragging him in and out of his car seat and then in and out of a stroller!  This has probably been the most uncomfortable pregnancy for me so far!  Even as I sit here typing this I am extremely uncomfortable, my tummy is rock hard, and still the baby finds room to kick and move around!  My appointment went well, I am measuring exactly as I should be, although the numbers on the scale are much, much higher than I have ever wanted to see.  I have out weighed Jared for a couple of months now!  Water retention, right?!  My doctor plans on inducing me a week to 10 days before my due date, December 10th!  I have to take blood thinner injections while I am pregnant because of the Factor Five Laden blood disorder I have (thanks Mom!!)  It actually isn't a big deal, Jared gives me the needles I still can't look when he does it, you would think I would be used to it by now.  I actually liked being induced with Calum, Jared took the day off, we drove down to Lethbridge in a calm manner, it felt very relaxed!  I am also happy the baby will be here the first week of December, since I am the Second Councillor in the Relief Society, I am in charge of the extra activity meetings.  We are planning our Christmas party for December 10th so I will be able to be there.  We also have a super fun party we have always been invited to on the 11th!  Another event we will be able to attend!  Oh, and on the 9th, is the Vulcan Choral Festival that our church choir is singing at and Jared has a little solo part (I actually think he was hoping to have an excuse to miss this!), and Emry's Family Dance at the school is that night also!  So despite this baby being due that week, we already seem to be booked up!  Thank you Dr. Davey for planning on inducing me a week early, it will make life a lot easier!  And I guess thanks to Mom too, for passing on her "bad" blood, so I have a reason to be induced!  Oh, one more thing!  When I had my routine ultra sound earlier in my pregnancy, the technician pointed at the screen where it looked like a little boy part should be!  She didn't come out and say the baby was a boy, but she did say it looked pretty obvious at what it would be!  Today when Dr. Davey listened to the baby's heart beat he said it sure sounded like a girl!  Poor Emry was standing right there beside me and when he said this her little face just beamed!  I think we truly are in for a surprise, but either way I will be happy with whatever!  The only thing is, I have only gone through all the little boy clothes, washed them and put them in the drawers!  For the hospital I did try to pick some neutral sleepers I can put the baby in!  Time will tell, 2 weeks time to be exact!


  1. Oh I am getting so excited!!! Maybe a girl now! Wow, I bet that was a bit of a shocker to hear. I wanted to tell you that you looked so cute when you came to my house today!

  2. So the count down is really one. Maybe we should have a guessing pole again. I love being surprised. Good luck!!
