Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You Know You Are Too Busy When...

Jared finally cut his toenails last night before he went to Young Men's!  He said he had better take some time and do it or he would be bleeding by the end of basketball with the boys!  He definitely has been busy, but too busy to cut his toenails?  I'm not sure about this!  Hope no one is queasy when they look at the following pictures!

He kinda looks like a Vampire!


  1. I can't believe he let you take these pictures. Too funny!

  2. That's disgusting. I think I did feel a little queasy:)

  3. That is really gross!!! I can't believe he left his nails to grow that long. I think he should try to set a new world record and not trim them.

  4. I can't believe how short he cuts his nails. It must be a cousin thing, cause Janelle cuts hers just as short as Jared. Gross is right!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I should clarify that Jared doesn't actually have any big toe nails. When he was a teenager he had to have them removed because they were in grown. This is probably why they look so short! He is actually against cutting them too short. When I cut the kids nails I tend to cut them too short and I am afraid they are going to have the same trouble with in grown toe nails as their Daddy, Uncle Dave, Grandpa Puzey and Auntie Lalainia! I tend to like his feet, they are unique and if ever we happen to play the game where you have to guess whose feet your husbands are, I am pretty sure I would win hands down!
